Hawaii Ruby On Rails Conference - Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii - October 4-6 2009

Passionate Programmer Video Online


Thanks to Panopto and ThinkTech Hawaii, we are pleased to offer video streaming of nearly all of the Aloha on Rails sessions. We will release the videos about once a week, and will announce each video here on our blog.

First up, we’re releasing the video of Chad Fowler’s Passionate Programmer talk from Aloha on Rails. I chose this talk to kick off the conference as I believe it really encapsulated the tone of the whole show.

We hope you enjoy it and look for more talks every week!


5 Responses to “Passionate Programmer Video Online”

  1. Andrew Vit says:

    Ugh, Sliverlight videos? Does this mean I should finally install it?

  2. Ben Kiltec says:

    First off, thanks for making this video available! :)

    However, I’m unfortunately not able to watch that video, as MS Silverlight seems to be needed and I only use Linux+Firefox. I tried installing Moonlight the open source implementation of Silverlight but the page still complains that I need Silverlight.

    Would it be possible to publish this video in a different format?
    Or fix it so that users of Moonlight can watch the video?

    That would be awesome!


  3. Seth Ladd says:

    Sorry for the Silverlight troubles. This is a Panopto thing. We may release them as a different format later. It’s not out of the question.

  4. Ben Kiltec says:

    No problem! :)
    Other formats would be great.

  5. Przemek says:

    Ben, I’m watching these videos without problems on Linux + Firefox. I just needed to chown ~/.mozilla/plugins directory (it was owned by root) before installing Microsoft Media Pack.

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