Hawaii Ruby On Rails Conference - Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii - October 4-6 2009

Aloha on Rails has a YouTube Channel! Check out videos of the venue and interviews of speakers and attendees, plus talk previews. Register Today to meet all our speakers and guests at the premier destination event for Ruby on Rails!

Scott Chacon - Engineer at Github, Author of Pro Git, Presenter of “The Birth of Git

Tammer Saleh - Author of Shoulda, Formally of Thoughtbot, Independent Consultant, Presenter of “You’re Doing It Wrong

Alan Gates - Architect of Pig at Yahoo, Presenter of “Thinking in Map Reduce” and “Introduction to Pig

Blake Mizerany - Author of Sintra, Engineer at Heroku, and Presenter of “Forget Kindergarten, Learn to Scale

Ezra Zygmuntowicz - Engine Yard Founder and Presenter of “Where Do I Put This Data?

Laurence Lee and Dan Leuck of Ikayzo - Local Developers and Business Owner

Mark Johnson of Logicspin - Local Rails Developer and Surfer

Michael Nieling of Ocupop - Local Surfer and Presenter of “You Don’t Need a Logo

Anthony Eden of Chi.mp - Local Surfer, Rails Developer, and Presenter of “Technical Debt